1 John 5 - October 2

Please read 1 John 5 for today. Click the following link, or read from your own bible as you wish.

1 John 5 (New International Version)

Contemplate the following questions and ideas during and after you read the chapter. Feel free to write your thoughts in a follow up to this post (keep in mind your posts will be available to the public).

Do you “know” the things listed in 5:13, 15, 18, 19 & 20? What does this knowledge mean to you? How can you share it today?

1 comment:

legorefugee said...

I "know" these things- in head knowledge always, but in practical belief I probably do not always think, feel, or act like I "know" these things. Especially the asking for things from God and getting them part. I tend to pray limply for things that I always with the postscript, "if it's in your will." I think this is good, for I don't want to ask for things that are outside of God's will, but sometimes I think I pray this so I won't be disappointed later. Then I can rationalize it , "Well, I guess that wasn't God's will so He didn't make it happen, etc" So in that regard I'm not really believing that if I ask for something, God will grant it, or that my faith is not such that my desires are not always the desires of God yet, and so probably will not be granted.