Mark 2 - August 19

Please read Mark 2 for today. Click the following link, or read from your own bible as you wish.

Mark 2 (New International Version)

Contemplate the following questions and ideas during and after you read the chapter. Feel free to write your thoughts in a follow up to this post (keep in mind your posts will be available to the public).

How do verses 21-22 speak to us about the ministry and mission of this church? What “new wine” is God calling us to place in “new wineskins?”

1 comment:

legorefugee said...

One interpretation may be that the "new wine" is the Holy Spirit and the "new wineskin" would be our earthly body after having received the Holy Spirit. Once we have made that conscious decision, our life should be made new, we are "a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!" -2 Cor. 5:17
In the larger context of the verses proceeding v.22, I'm stretching my mind to find a way to fit it with the previous question about why Jesus' disciples are not fasting. Is it to do with the celebration of Jesus being with them as a new way as opposed to fasting as the old way?