Matthew 1 - January 7

Please read Matthew 1 for today. Click the following link, or read from your own bible as you wish.

Matthew 1 (New International Version)

Contemplate the following questions and ideas during and after you read the chapter. Feel free to write your thoughts in a follow up to this post (keep in mind your posts will be available to the public).

Are there ancestors in your family through whom the Christian faith was communicated to the next generation(s)? Will you be remembered by future generations as one who shared faith with the next generations? How are you doing that?

1 comment:

legorefugee said...

I am assuming that the Christian faith was passed down through my ancestors because I am unaware of an abrupt starting point for it. It is one of my greatest desires for my faith to be passed on to my girls, and for them to in turn pass it on. I try to do that by making my faith - my focus, prayer, comments, church, ect. - our lifestyle not just one part of our lives. I want them to experience authentic love and faith through Christ in our home so that they can gauge other lifestyles against that when they are at an age to make the choice.