Luke 21 - November 4

Please read Luke 21 for today. Click the following link, or read from your own bible as you wish.

Luke 21 (New International Version)

Contemplate the following questions and ideas during and after you read the chapter. Feel free to write your thoughts in a follow up to this post (keep in mind your posts will be available to the public).

Many people are fascinated with the end times. Jesus paints a picture which is not very pleasant, even for his followers. He concluded with a warning to be ready and watchful (21:34). What are you doing to help you be ready?

1 comment:

legorefugee said...

I try to hide God's word in my heart and focus not on worry, but on the hope that there is an end to it all and the end it God's glory which we get to be part of. I also try to instill my faith and respect for God's word in my children so that it can be passed on generation to generation.