1 Timothy 2 - May 29

Please read 1 Timothy 2 for today. Click the following link, or read from your own bible as you wish.

1 Timothy 2 (New International Version)

Contemplate the following questions and ideas during and after you read the chapter. Feel free to write your thoughts in a follow up to this post (keep in mind your posts will be available to the public).

What particular situation in our country comes to mind today as you are called to pray for its leaders? What will you pray for?

1 Timothy 1 - May 28

Please read 1 Timothy 1 for today. Click the following link, or read from your own bible as you wish.

1 Timothy 1 (New International Version)

Contemplate the following questions and ideas during and after you read the chapter. Feel free to write your thoughts in a follow up to this post (keep in mind your posts will be available to the public).

How does it feel to know that God loves you in spite of who you are and what you have done in the past?

2 Thessalonians 3 - May 27

Please read 2 Thessalonians 3 for today. Click the following link, or read from your own bible as you wish.

2 Thessalonians 3 (New International Version)

Contemplate the following questions and ideas during and after you read the chapter. Feel free to write your thoughts in a follow up to this post (keep in mind your posts will be available to the public).

In what life situations do you need to experience the peace which comes from “the Lord of peace”? How does the knowledge of God’s presence help?

2 Thessalonians 2 - May 26

Please read 2 Thessalonians 2 for today. Click the following link, or read from your own bible as you wish.

2 Thessalonians 2 (New International Version)

Contemplate the following questions and ideas during and after you read the chapter. Feel free to write your thoughts in a follow up to this post (keep in mind your posts will be available to the public).

In this passage we are called to stand firm in the midst of evil. How does knowing that Christ is with you help you when you face opposition or evil?

2 Thessalonians 1 - May 25

Please read 2 Thessalonians 1 for today. Click the following link, or read from your own bible as you wish.

2 Thessalonians 1 (New International Version)

Contemplate the following questions and ideas during and after you read the chapter. Feel free to write your thoughts in a follow up to this post (keep in mind your posts will be available to the public).

If someone were telling others about your faith, what would they say? Is it growing? In what ways?

1 Thessalonians 5 - May 22

Please read 1 Thessalonians 5 for today. Click the following link, or read from your own bible as you wish.

1 Thessalonians 5 (New International Version)

Contemplate the following questions and ideas during and after you read the chapter. Feel free to write your thoughts in a follow up to this post (keep in mind your posts will be available to the public).

How can you “give thanks in all circumstances” (5:18)? Is there a circumstance in your life right now which is not the best, but in which you can find something for which to give thanks?

1 Thessalonians 4 - May 21

Please read 1 Thessalonians 4 for today. Click the following link, or read from your own bible as you wish.

1 Thessalonians 4 (New International Version)

Contemplate the following questions and ideas during and after you read the chapter. Feel free to write your thoughts in a follow up to this post (keep in mind your posts will be available to the public).

Which of Paul’s commands about how to live speak most poignantly to you today? What will you do about it?

1 Thessalonians 3 - May 20

Please read 1 Thessalonians 3 for today. Click the following link, or read from your own bible as you wish.

1 Thessalonians 3 (New International Version)

Contemplate the following questions and ideas during and after you read the chapter. Feel free to write your thoughts in a follow up to this post (keep in mind your posts will be available to the public).

Who is a Christian brother or sister who you have not seen for awhile? Can you contact them by phone, letter or email that you both might be encouraged?

1 Thessalonians 2 - May 19

Please read 1 Thessalonians 2 for today. Click the following link, or read from your own bible as you wish.

1 Thessalonians 2 (New International Version)

Contemplate the following questions and ideas during and after you read the chapter. Feel free to write your thoughts in a follow up to this post (keep in mind your posts will be available to the public).

What opposition have you faced in serving Christ? Did you sense God’s presence with you in the midst of it?

1 Thessalonians 1 - May 18

Please read 1 Thessalonians 1 for today. Click the following link, or read from your own bible as you wish.

1 Thessalonians 1 (New International Version)

Contemplate the following questions and ideas during and after you read the chapter. Feel free to write your thoughts in a follow up to this post (keep in mind your posts will be available to the public).

Who are models of the faith for you? What about their lives shows you how to live for Christ?

Colossians 4 - May 15

Please read Colossians 4 for today. Click the following link, or read from your own bible as you wish.

Colossians 4 (New International Version)

Contemplate the following questions and ideas during and after you read the chapter. Feel free to write your thoughts in a follow up to this post (keep in mind your posts will be available to the public).

Whose life do you especially hope to touch with your faith? What are you doing to “make the most of every opportunity” (4:5)?

Colossians 3 - May 14

Please read Colossians 3 for today. Click the following link, or read from your own bible as you wish.

Colossians 3 (New International Version)

Contemplate the following questions and ideas during and after you read the chapter. Feel free to write your thoughts in a follow up to this post (keep in mind your posts will be available to the public).

Our faith impacts our relationships. Which characteristic in 3:12 do you most need to develop in your life?

Colossians 2 - May 13

Please read Colossians 2 for today. Click the following link, or read from your own bible as you wish.

Colossians 2 (New International Version)

Contemplate the following questions and ideas during and after you read the chapter. Feel free to write your thoughts in a follow up to this post (keep in mind your posts will be available to the public).

Have you ever lost your focus on Christ and instead focused on religious activity? How can you again become focused on Christ?

Colossians 1 - May 12

Please read Colossians 1 for today. Click the following link, or read from your own bible as you wish.

Colossians 1 (New International Version)

Contemplate the following questions and ideas during and after you read the chapter. Feel free to write your thoughts in a follow up to this post (keep in mind your posts will be available to the public).

The Colossians learned the good news of Jesus Christ from Epaphras. Who taught you the good news?

Philippians 4 - May 11

Please read Philippians 4 for today. Click the following link, or read from your own bible as you wish.

Philippians 4 (New International Version)

Contemplate the following questions and ideas during and after you read the chapter. Feel free to write your thoughts in a follow up to this post (keep in mind your posts will be available to the public).

What are you anxious or worried about today? Give it to God in prayer, leave it with God, and then you can experience God’s peace.

Philippians 3 - May 8

Please read Philippians 3 for today. Click the following link, or read from your own bible as you wish.

Philippians 3 (New International Version)

Contemplate the following questions and ideas during and after you read the chapter. Feel free to write your thoughts in a follow up to this post (keep in mind your posts will be available to the public).

How important is “know Christ Jesus” to you? Is this the top priority of your life?

Philippians 2 - May 7

Please read Philippians 2 for today. Click the following link, or read from your own bible as you wish.

Philippians 2 (New International Version)

Contemplate the following questions and ideas during and after you read the chapter. Feel free to write your thoughts in a follow up to this post (keep in mind your posts will be available to the public).

How can you adopt the attitude of Jesus Christ today (2:5-11)? How will you be different if you have this servant attitude?

Philippians 1 - May 6

Please read Philippians 1 for today. Click the following link, or read from your own bible as you wish.

Philippians 1 (New International Version)

Contemplate the following questions and ideas during and after you read the chapter. Feel free to write your thoughts in a follow up to this post (keep in mind your posts will be available to the public).

Who have been “partners in the gospel” (1:5) with you? What prayer do your offer for them this day?

Ephesians 6 - May 5

Please read Ephesians 6 for today. Click the following link, or read from your own bible as you wish.

Ephesians 6 (New International Version)

Contemplate the following questions and ideas during and after you read the chapter. Feel free to write your thoughts in a follow up to this post (keep in mind your posts will be available to the public).

Which piece of the “armor of God” (6:10-18) are you most lacking? What piece have you found most helpful?

Ephesians 5 - May 4

Please read Ephesians 5 for today. Click the following link, or read from your own bible as you wish.

Ephesians 5 (New International Version)

Contemplate the following questions and ideas during and after you read the chapter. Feel free to write your thoughts in a follow up to this post (keep in mind your posts will be available to the public).

Is your speech more like what is described in 5:4 or in 5:19-20? Who can you encourage by your speech today?

Ephesians 4 - May 1

Please read Ephesians 4 for today. Click the following link, or read from your own bible as you wish.

Ephesians 4 (New International Version)

Contemplate the following questions and ideas during and after you read the chapter. Feel free to write your thoughts in a follow up to this post (keep in mind your posts will be available to the public).

What is God calling you to say or to do today to strengthen the body of Christ?